Not Really Even Sure What to Say about This....

Posted by Katie Rose en
OMG....this is hilarious. I'm not sure if I'm appalled or wishing that every man would watch this commercial. Didn't know that shaving required instructions...but it's fucking hysterical none the less! I love the part where he moisturizes....

Role Model

Posted by Katie Rose en
So I may ACTUALLY be disowned after tonight. Let me set up the back story.....EXTREMELY religious upbringing...think Amish.... with Zippers. Parents get divorced after 18 years of preaching divorce is an abomination to God. Parents spend rest of life trying to "be cool" and make up to their kids...all while secretly maintain a very strict Southern Baptist viewpoint on life.
Flashforward to modern I'm chillin at the crib with my mom and aunt (their house). We decide to rent a movie on Pay-Per-View. So we're scrollin, scrollin, scrollin.....I've seen pretty much every movie out because I don't have cable and only get three static ridden channels-two of which are in Spanish. I'm in the mood for something funny and I tell my mom all about Tropic Thunder and what a riot it was, but I don't recommend it to her because of all the foul language which I KNOW she would be bothered by. We decide to move on to something more "appropriate"

So we get to Role Models and I start cracking up. We watch the preview and I'm dying.

"This movie is hilarious, I'm totally going to buy it". All I can remember is thinking that the end was really sweet and I laughed a ton watching it the first time. "Let's rent it"

About 30 seconds into the all floods back to me. The cursing, the blatant in-your-face sexual references and breast shots.....all funny ass stuff.....and completely APPALLING to watch with my mother. The whole time I'm thinking to myself, "'ve told your mom what a great movie this is and now she thinks you are a complete HEDONIST with NO moral character at all!"

For 2 hours and 15 minutes I died a slow death inside as I heard the words "fuck, pussy, cum, dick and cock" more times than the red-light district on pay day!

The climax of it all was when Sean William Scott advised Paul Rudd to fuck the big girls because they "do more kinky stuff"........there is NO WAY that my mother did not wonder for at least one split second if her full figured daughter DID do more kinky stuff. Oh-My-God....kill me now.

In the beginning....

Posted by Katie Rose en
So here I am at midnight on a Monday night wondering exactly how you start a Blog? It’s after the overwhelming insistence of my friends to spread the shear insanity that is my life that I am attempting to document the details.

After ending an almost five-year relationship, I have entered into the treacherous world of dating.

I choose the word "treacherous" very specifically. It's not entirely uncommon for my dates to involve anaphylactic shock, a mouth full of blood, sex with a priest and a wide variety of unbelievable episodes. So grab your wine and settle in for the wild ride that is my life! Happy reading : )